What is the common misunderstanding about eye area skin care?

January 1, 2018 12:00

What is the common misunderstanding about eye area skin care?

Areas of Facial Skin We Should Pay Special Attention to- it is definitely our eye area. Some studies cite that the skin under our eyes is up to ten times thinner than the skin on the rest of our face. This area also shows sings of aging more quickly. So, as you get older, the skin around your eyes gets even thinner due to the natural loss of collagen.

The areas of facial skin we should pay special attention to - it is definitely our eye area. Some studies cite that the skin under our eyes is up to ten times thinner than the skin on the rest of our face. This area also shows sings of aging more quickly. So, as you get older, the skin around your eyes gets even thinner due to the natural loss of collagen.


So how should we properly take care of the skin around our eyes? First, you should always be delicate with your eye area and use a light hand whenever you are applying products. Additionally, you want to use products that are lightweight and would absorb quickly instead of ones that would simply tug on your skin


One product that can help give our eyes some much needed love is Eastsuperstar’s Oxygen Eye Patch. This eye patch instantly hydrates, promotes heat circulation, and helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the area. It provides an instant boost to make you look refreshed, energized, & radiant.


What makes it a special product though is how it uses oxygen to promote heat circulation in the   eye area. This directly diminishes the melanin deposits in the eye area and reduces any sign of eye bags you might have. In addition, the extract Ganoderma Lucidum works to delay signs of aging and helps to restore the elasticity that we naturally lose as we age. Eastsuperstars secret is their main ingredient Ganoderma Lucidum- a unique extract that reduces the look of eye bags while maintaining proper levels of moisture in the skin.


When thinking about who this product would be the best for- I would highly recommend it to any female from ages 20-35. This is a critical age because the choices you make in these years can drastically affect how your skin looks like later in your life. By investing in your skincare routine now, you can delay the onset of signs of aging and keep your skin worries at bay. As the saying goes: “prevention is better than cure!”