Why Do Spots Increase with Age?

July 22, 2023 08:15

Why Do Spots Increase with Age?

As we age, various skin problems often emerge one after another. It is well known that having too many freckles on the face directly affects one's external beauty, which is why some people worry about this in their daily lives...

As we age, various skin problems often emerge one after another. It is well known that having too many freckles on the face directly affects one's external beauty, which is why some people worry about this in their daily lives...


Why do spots increase with age?


1. Decreased metabolism:

As we age, our metabolic rate gradually slows down, making our internal cells more prone to oxidation. Free radicals accumulate in the body, settling on the surface of the skin and gradually manifesting as age spots.


2. Collagen loss:

After the age of 25, the body begins to lose collagen. Collagen acts as a scaffold and spring supporting the skin. When collagen loss becomes severe, it is like a broken spring that causes the dermal tissue to collapse. Free radicals and melanin accumulate in the hollows and gaps of the skin, leading to the formation of pigmentation.


3. Skin oxidation:

As we get older, the body's functions gradually weaken, including a decrease in antioxidant capacity. This results in reduced activity of superoxide dismutase, an enzyme responsible for clearing free radicals from the body. The accumulation of free radicals induces oxidative reactions, leading to the gradual formation of pigmentation.


4. UV radiation:

With age, awareness of sun protection tends to weaken. Prolonged exposure of the skin to UV radiation causes damage. In response to severe skin damage, the body secretes a large amount of melanin to protect the skin, resulting in tanning. Excessive melanin production can lead to the appearance of dark spots.


5. Aging:

With the progression of age, most elderly individuals are likely to develop age spots. Age spots are influenced by personal daily habits, such as frequent exposure to the sun without proper sun protection and irregular eating habits. Over time, these factors contribute to the development of age spots.


6. Residual cosmetics:

Failure to promptly remove makeup can lead to prolonged coverage of the skin by cosmetics, preventing the skin from breathing properly. Additionally, cosmetics contain certain chemical ingredients that can penetrate and accumulate in the skin if not washed off in a timely manner. This can affect the health of the skin barrier and potentially lead to the accumulation of pigmentation, forming spots.


In fact, spots are not dreadful. With the rise of the beauty industry, there are many methods available to fade them. Understanding one's own skin condition and adopting a scientific approach to fading spots, as well as cultivating proper skincare habits, is the foundation for maintaining spotless skin!