Do eye skin care products work?

January 26, 2022 03:00

Do eye skin care products work?

In 2022, I know we are all aware of the importance of using a cleanser and a moisturizer. However, I don’t think that eye care products are getting the recognition that they deserve! skin care around the eye can refer to any products or procedures that improve the overall area, which includes the eyelid and the under eye area.

In 2022, I know we are all aware of the importance of using a cleanser and a moisturizer. However, I don’t think that eye care products are getting the recognition that they deserve! skin care around the eye can refer to any products or procedures that improve the overall area, which includes the eyelid and the under eye area.

There are a wide variety of eye skin care products in the market ranging from eye mask, under-eye creams, eye rollers etc., Eye masks can either be an under-eye mask, or a over the eye mask. For under-eye creams, the product can be as light as a serum or can have a thicker moisturizer-like consistency. For rollers, these products usually have a metal roller top which provides a cooling sensation as the product is rolling on the skin. Each of these provides slightly different results but when we are choosing the right products for us- we should be looking at both the long and short-term effects.

Eastsuperstar is a new and innovate brand that has an amazing Oxygen Eye Patch, which provides both short term relief as well as visible long term benefits. The immediate release of oxygen energy in the mask promotes heat circulation in the area. Therefore, the continued use of it actually helps in removing dark spots and reducing fine lines over time. It also reduces melanin deposits which is essential in diminishing the look of eye bags.

Personally, I feel that VIIcode is a great brand to incorporate into your skincare routine as the products are designed with intention, proven to work, and easy to use. Their products are also gentle on your skin considering the eye area is the most thinnest and sensitive part of your face. In addition, the brand places a huge emphasis on maintaining and enhancing the beauty you already possess, instead of trying to drastically change your appearance. For this reason alone, I highly recommend the Oxygen Eye Patch and think that it has made a true difference in not only how I look, but also how I feel using the product.